Search Results
C1R1 MeltLuc vs Jadeplume Terrorshroom in 30 seconds 12-3-1 3.3 spiral abyss
Meltluc VS New Boss
13 SEC Xiao vs Terrorshroom Spiral Abyss 12-3-1
Meltluc vs Chicken F12-3-1 (Spiral Abyss 3.3)
C1R1 Diluc One rotates golden wolflord 12-2-2 3.3 abyss
Meltluc VS New Boss V2
By Nonexistent demand heres a scuffed meltluc run vs ruin serpent 12-3-2 in like 29 seconds
C1R5 VapeDiluc vs Perpetual mechanics rng array 12-1-1 3.3 abyss
Meltluc (with CA?) vs 2 Eremites Chamber (Spiral Abyss 3.3)
Diluc and Kaeya vs 12-2-1 hell duo 3.4 spiral abyss 33 seconds)
Melt Diluc VS Aeon Blight Drake 12-3-1 3.2 abyss
C6R5 Childe International 12 seconds Floor 12 Jadeplume Terror (Build shown at the end)